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俄羅斯武裝團體挺烏克蘭 襲擊俄邊境村莊摧毀裝甲車
法新社報導,反克里姆林宮的武裝團體「自由俄羅斯軍團」(Freedom of Russia Legion)在社群媒體發文表示,其部隊在俄羅斯庫斯克州(Kursk)蒂奧特基諾村(Tyotkino)「摧毀」一輛俄軍裝甲車。
另一個名為「西伯利亞營」(Sibir Battalion)的組織在社群媒體上說:「一如承諾,我們將把自由和正義帶到我們的俄羅斯土地上。」
俄羅斯西南部庫斯克州(Kursk)州長斯塔羅沃特(Roman Starovoyt)證實,志願軍已進入俄羅斯領土,並在蒂奧特基諾發生戰鬥。
烏克蘭軍事情報部門發言人烏索夫(Andriy Yusov)說,俄羅斯志願軍團體發動襲擊並非奉基輔的命令採取行動。
烏索夫告訴烏克蘭媒體:「在俄羅斯聯邦(Russian Federation)領土上,他們完全自主地獨立行動,執行其社會和政治計畫任務。」
Nobody's going anywhere. There's nothing else. It's okay, they'll wait for the release.
— "Liberty of Russia" Legion (@legion_svoboda) March 12, 2024
⚡️ APC destroyed. Let's keep working.upd: demilitarised APC in Tetkino village. pic.twitter.com/KwCzw56Qa0
There goes the regime.
— "Liberty of Russia" Legion (@legion_svoboda) March 12, 2024
Putin's APC set fire to an apartment block with incendiary bullets. We could not just leave it at that and destroyed that very APC.
The firefighters apparently fled from the settlement. pic.twitter.com/nolCViH6rB
The village of Tetkino, Kursk region, is fully under the control of the Russian liberation forces.
— "Liberty of Russia" Legion (@legion_svoboda) March 12, 2024
Putin's army is rapidly leaving the village, leaving behind positions and abandoning heavy equipment. pic.twitter.com/QSIIMJKm6Q